Meet Imani

Your Marriage and Family Therapist - LMFT and Relationship Coach

“I’ve helped hundreds of individuals thrive in their relationships through play and deep introspective work. My services provide cutting edge insight and practical tools to help you move from relationship insecurity to security.”

Hello and Welcome!

I know how you’re feeling right now because this has been my personal journey too. Doing the work saved my life.

Where it all began…

I used to feel extremely insecure in my relationships. My emotional rock bottom was when I felt like I was losing my grip on reality. I was angry, confused, frustrated, and heartbroken, utterly unaware of how unhappy I had been for such a long time.

In 2019, life forced me to face my emotions head-on. An extremely unhealthy relationship abruptly ended, and it peeled back the curtain of how unwell I really was. The attention and acceptance I craved were all in the wrong places and people. I often denied my own desires for the sake of what felt like a connection to others

It felt like my life was on a rollercoaster ride, and I couldn’t get off.

For many years, I silenced my emotions.

For many years, I went through so much turmoil in silence. I was embarrassed and ashamed of who I was my entire life and it came out the most in that relationship.

I was always insecure - but I was able to mask my confidence for years by achieving and doing things. I went throughout my round adult years living a double life. Afraid to show up authentically because I was Imani the achiever, Imani the "good one"....but deep down I just wanted to be loved and accepted for who I was - not be loved by how much I could disown myself for others. But I was conditioned to believe that love was about how much you could self sacrifice-I broke myself down trying to save someone when I was the one needing saving.

My confidence masked my insecurities for years. I went throughout life living a lie. My entire sense of safety, security, and self-worth felt like it was taken when the relationship ended.

God and Therapy literally saved my life.

After the ending of such a tumultuous relationship, I sought the help of God and a licensed therapist to help me process how I was feeling. I remember laying on her couch and sobbing for the majority of the session. I don’t remember her saying too much initially, but she would pass me tissues and allow me the time and space I needed to grieve (without judgment).

For that, I am FOREVER grateful.

She empathized with and validated my feelings. She asked me what it was like for me growing up and for the first time-I really felt deeply seen and heard. She saw me beyond any diagnosis or label-she saw me as a human being.

Self-doubt started to creep in, even while in therapy. I questioned:

– How did I get to this point?
– How am I in school for therapy and I can’t even help myself?
– Can I even be a therapist?

Those thoughts almost landed me back in the place I was trying to escape from.

I finally had a breakthrough by giving myself permission to grieve and turn inward.

During my time in therapy and self-reflection, I did some deep inner work around my childhood wounding and my insecurities. I had to give myself permission to grieve everything I did not receive in childhood and I also had to forgive myself.

It was not until I started taking a deeper look at all of my relationships-I began to notice patterns. I was in a cycle of dysfunction. My romantic relationships all had one common theme: they all ended with devastating, gut-wrenching heartache because they mirrored familiar dynamics from my childhood.

Looking back, this was such a pivotal moment for me to address the childhood trauma I was subconsciously carrying in all my relationships. I was playing an active role in the relationships I kept saying I did not want.

I had to take back control of my life.

I was in a cycle of dysfunction that mirrored my childhood.


It clicked for me:

I started to turn inward and sit with my mind and body.

I became closer to God; I felt passionate for life. I found my purpose.

I felt passionate for life again.

I found my purpose again.

I started developing a healthier relationship with myself, leading me into healthier relationships with others.

Towards the end of 2020, after graduating with a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy, I started my Instagram page @Imani.intouch to educate and relate to others who might be going through the same thing I did.

Here is the truth: Therapists need therapy, too. We are human. We, too, experience unhealthy relationship dynamics.

You deserve to live a life that brings you peace, abundance, and joy!

I believe one of the bravest things you can do is begin to understand your own story. I strive to create an open and safe space for you to feel empowered on your journey at your own pace. I help my clients set and achieve their intentions while gaining fresh insights and new perspectives.

Today I have worked with over 2,000+ men and women-helping them to navigate through their stories and heal relational trauma that has been keeping them stuck. I've helped dozens of individuals heal the wounds that are keeping them stuck in the same relationships. My services combines cutting-edge insight and practical strategies to help you heal the relationship with yourself and transform the way you connect to others

Healing occurs when we no longer want to show up as false versions of ourselves. Moreover, when we become tired of the survival tactics that keep us in the same cycle...THEN we step out of fear and make a choice to move forward.

Monthly Membership

This online private membership community gives you the tools to heal, grow, integrate trauma, and walk boldly in your authenticity. with two monthly group classes and more!

This membership is for you if you’re looking for more holistic healing, growth, and expansion at an affordable price.

Ready To Transform Your Relationships?

An 8-week live group course where I teach you how to overcome the anxiety that has been wrecking havoc in your life and keeping you from having the relationship you desire

In this program, I will teach you to how to be medicine to yourself so you can experience more freedom and liberation in your relationships without feeling like a slave to your insecurities