One to One Private Coaching Application

Thank you for your interest in 1:1 Private Coaching! You are taking a courageous step to choose yourself and prioritize your healing - I am proud of you! My 1:1 Private Coaching Program will guide you into discovering your true, authentic self so you experience more fulfilling relationships. The focus is healing your relationship with YOU - this is accomplished by intentionally engaging in self reflection and tapping into your subconscious mind for personal growth. My hope is that through 1:1 coaching you build the awareness and tools to show up in relationships authentically and honor yourself, always.

I thank you for taking time to complete this application. This is required to book a consultation call. The application will give me an overview of you and your life goals so I can determine if 1:1 Private Coaching is the best fit right now. Please be thorough and honest in your responses. I am looking forward to reviewing your application and will be in contact with next steps within 72 hours.
